Monday, December 6, 2010

New Adventures...

Hello all!!!! I'm sorry it's been a while. Just wanted to update you on the Karacian's!

We have gotten settled into our new digs in the politically corrupt state of Illinois. The kids are settling in like the champs that they are and making lots of new friends! Ali, however, is trying to find a foster family back in the Falls. She wants to move back there in the worst way. Caty is Caty, and is going with the flow. For being my shy child, has transitioned beautifully! I am so proud of my girls!

The dogs are loving their new back yard; they have an acre to ruin and enjoy every minute of it. There are tons of squirrels and chipmunks for Zoe and a family of deer and a lone red fox for Hank and Scarlet to torture... The back yard has already given Cate ample snowboarding practice. She is doing awesome on that thing!

Ben is loving is job, but is still gone to much for my liking... wait, maybe THAT'S why he loves it! :)

On my end, I have been busy making this place home. It's 80% there, but we have time! I have also started selling Scentsy, so let me know if you would like to know more about it or need to place an order. I am really excited about this new adventure and I am looking forward to meeting fellow Chicagoins (Chicagoites, Chicagolivers?).

So, just in case you have been wondering, the Karacian's are wonderfully blessed in the tundra! If I don't post for awhile...MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAVE A BLESSED NEW YEAR!!!!!!!